Project Value
$70+ million ($12 million Building & Civil works)
Project Description
Design and documentation of a new GOS dairy process facility including; evaporator tower, wet process, control room, MCC, critical hygiene packaging room, offices, change rooms, viewing room, redline area, services building, transformer room, bulk chemical unload, ruck load out, canopies, service gantries, service tunnels, silo bases, retaining structures and roadways.
Project Role
- Principal Consultant – responsible for obtaining the planning permit, building permit, construction documentation and civil works component of the project
- Provided in house Architectural Drafting, Technical Specifications, Structural and Civil Engineering.
- Engaged and managed the following sub consultants; Geotechnical, Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulics, Acoustic, Traffic and Fire Engineers, Land, Building and Quantity Surveyors
- Provided construction phase services such as site inspection, queries and response to Builders RFIs